Contract Addresses
These are contract addresses for Velocimeter v3, which is a third velocimeter iteration. The contracts are deployed on Fantom, Base, Mantle, and Canto networks.
Contract Name | Contract Address | Network |
FVM | 0x07BB65fAaC502d4996532F834A1B7ba5dC32Ff96 | Fantom |
oFVM | 0xF9EDdca6B1e548B0EC8cDDEc131464F462b8310D | Fantom |
PairFactory | 0x472f3C3c9608fe0aE8d702f3f8A2d12c410C881A | Fantom |
Router | 0x2E14B53E2cB669f3A974CeaF6C735e134F3Aa9BC | Fantom |
VotingEscrow | 0xAE459eE7377Fb9F67518047BBA5482C2F0963236 | Fantom |
RewardsDistributor | 0xE0B708753aab9d2Cc142ea52Cd7CD0c923A3389A | Fantom |
Voter | 0xc9Ea7A2337f27935Cd3ccFB2f725B0428e731FBF | Fantom |
Minter | 0xAA28F5F63a9DC90640abF7F008726460127a4Da6 | Fantom |
TimeLockController | 0xc350eEd2C03D422349Df0398072a2F35A37E4Ad5 | Fantom |
MintTank | 0x14Dc007573Ac5dCC94410bc29DCBb4923e54C69d | Fantom |
AirdropClaim | 0xCEE59eb1E4e28F50D90Bf4897ca1a84d6552AA21 | Fantom |
veBooster | 0xbD777Af905F603797CFC1E8eBa229DaD26FE4863 | Fantom |
MasterBooster | 0x2d00ca8255352a3ba69a64cc88dded483d312bd8 | Fantom |
oFVMHelper | 0xfD3B4a158acE6CC49Fe4EA86C7A462f0C0b902aC | Fantom |
CarbonController | 0xf37102e11E06276ac9D393277BD7b63b3393b361 | Fantom |
GraphenePairFactory | 0x3c9f79dd71b16845b3d762a2df73a191fc53d36f | Fantom |
Contract Name | Contract Address | Network |
MVM | 0x861A6Fc736Cbb12ad57477B535B829239c8347d7 | Mantle |
oMVM | 0x3b19B8EC75BBf85848d133F1a47710EeEd57Bd90 | Mantle |
PairFactory | 0x99F9a4A96549342546f9DAE5B2738EDDcD43Bf4C | Mantle |
Router | 0x8e2e2f70B4bD86F82539187A634FB832398cc771 | Mantle |
VotingEscrow | 0xA906901429F62708A587EA1fC5Fef6C850AA5F9b | Mantle |
RewardsDistributor | 0x64c6F1CFDaa58c4572ddcA9043B8A95d0D75D411 | Mantle |
Voter | 0x2215aB2e64490bC8E9308d0371e708845a796A29 | Mantle |
Minter | 0xb074FeF76F0b5B544e4337226d4f9eB54E46ee3F | Mantle |
MintTank | 0xDDEc6bB36d26fE1AD9ca7D6FadEEeA306E2a7170 | Mantle |
AirdropClaim | 0xC5d4E462b96cC73283EB452B15147c17Af413313 | Mantle |
MasterBooster | 0x943eF7608a4341Ec15c98bc07231182C01dBD4Ef | Mantle |
oMVMHelper | 0x167908d441e35187A770CD850C04d3953AA46f13 | Mantle |
CarbonController | 0x7900f766F06e361FDDB4FdeBac5b138c4EEd8d4A | Mantle |
LockDropToken | 0x7900f766F06e361FDDB4FdeBac5b138c4EEd8d4A | Mantle |
Contract Name | Contract Address | Network |
CVM | 0xbAD86785eB08fe9d0948B7D9d24523000A177cD0 | Canto |
oCVM | 0x5C2a258A169Fd683e784686E606E33f6D8c31b9a | Canto |
PairFactory | 0xcC6AC37eafA77ef6C8b9283De89bE64d8030DCaE | Canto |
Router | 0x2c8F86334552d062A0d7465C7f524eff15AB046c | Canto |
VotingEscrow | 0xA1B589FB7e04d19CEC391834131158f7F9d2D168 | Canto |
RewardsDistributor | 0xF4A645eE46B06FEDEF7495B701117B58A2Db3A4C | Canto |
Voter | 0xd5FA5bfd83ea4A088a3A28E12AD6494750aC7B8c | Canto |
Minter | 0x2F03f3dDd5A5e2fEc7cC582FB044CDBFa24674fd | Canto |
veBooster | 0xacBDa0a9AF99f391C5994Dd5b262E04c778eeBE7 | Canto |
MasterBooster | 0xd9d78841b89776ab0db78d7147326439eb4ca4bc | Canto |
Flow Convertor | 0xC5d4E462b96cC73283EB452B15147c17Af413313 | Canto |
CarbonController | 0xE6b17973eE994C2EC7E69Aa3e1A612aF16253da1 | Canto |